Greater Boston Community

This page is in the process of being created, managed by Tom Caruso, with IT help from Andy Harrington.  Let us know if you see issues or have ideas.  Keep in mind that this page and related pages are public, not behind the MKPConnect login firewall.

Greater Boston News

GB Community Coordinator Needed

GB Community Coordinator Needed

Tom Caruso had only one inquiry from his specific requests looking for people interested in stepping into the role of GB Community Coordinator by the middle of October.  If you have some interest in building connection and community within the Mankind Project USA NE...

In-Person I-Groups in Demand

More GB Community Circles need to offer In-Person Meetings.  Four men located in the Greater Boston Community reached out to MKP for in-person men’s circles.  These men were directed to those circles with known in-person scheduling (KWOA meeting in-person...

GB New Brother Inquiries

GB New Brother Inquiries

Since Mid-April 2022, There have been 9 NE Inquiries on the MKP USA site.  Of these 4 were from the GB Community, with three of these from Southern NH.  Along with a template of information about online circle and training opportunities, these men have been provided...

Greater Boston Interviews

Interview: Orion Kriegman, Working on a Vision of Social Permaculture

Interview: Orion Kriegman, Working on a Vision of Social Permaculture

A member of the Men Working Circle based in Waltham, Orion Kriegman is a man pursuing a mission that puts new life into communities by creating permanent community parks (food forests) throughout the city of Boston.  His diverse community building experience has given him a vision of a ‘social permaculture’ in which individuals interact through values they share: hope, care, connection and well-being.  He found that gardens can support these values and bring people together to strengthen a community.

Greater Boston Events

Greater Boston Calendar

Calendar Coming….

After calendar

About the Greater Boston Commuity

Circles with levels of involvement in the Greater Boston ManKind community

The Greater Boston (GB) Community includes everyone, men, women, children, and other people not fitting into these categories. Integrated into the GB Community are the men who have completed various ManKind Project trainings, including The Men’s Work and the New Warrior Training Adventure weekend. These men we call ‘New Warriors’. Many of these New Warriors continue to gain support to pursue their missions by attending regular Men’s Circles, of which there are now seven in the GB Community.

The GB Community is supported by New Warriors involved in each of the Men’s Circles. It is led by the GB Community Coordinator, Tom Caruso ( For the GB Community this effort includes:

  • Supporting the needs of men
  • Developing existing circles and creating new circles
  • Organizing regular GB Community Events
  • Improving communication in the community about activities of the GB Community and its Men’s Circles, the New England rea, and MKP USA.

New England New Warrior Training Weekends

New England - Greater Boston Community Contacts