The New England area uses the Co-Creative Contribution Process (CCP) as a way of inviting men to participate as fully as possible in the events they choose to attend, and allowing different contributions for different men, based on their respective circumstances.  Because of men’s integrity and generosity, the men of MKP New England have been fortunate to use this process successfully for over 15 years.

CCP allows men to consciously and responsibly participate in their financial commitment to participating in an event. This provides a both/and: it allows men to contribute from their abundance, and it allows men to contribute according to their circumstances. In most MKP Areas, men are required to pay a set fee.

We trust that your voluntary contribution for the event will help us cover the cost of the event.  At the end of the event, we present to the men the cost (per man) of putting on the event plus a small percentage added to contribute to the community (overhead) expense to operate as a sustainable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  The overhead for our community goes to pay expenses such as: bookkeeping expenses, local marketing expenses, capital equipment expenses, and sending MKP New England reps to required annual meetings, etc.

After the event, we ask you to consider your experience of the event, and make a private contribution in the amount you choose. In making that choice, we invite you to consider the following:

  • the cost associated with holding this event/training.
  • the value you received from participating in this event/training: how it will affect your life, your family, your relationships, your work and your future.
  • your current financial situation.
  • your desire to help us bring this work/training to other men.
  • what your head, heart, and gut are telling you.
  • Going through the process of discovering what choice is right for you is part of the learning in MKP as new warriors.

We will gratefully accept the amount that you choose to contribute. Payment plans are acceptable.

We ask you to give from your abundance in a way that honors both what you received from the workshop/training and the reality of your economic situation.  Some men may contribute less, others may contribute more than what is the average cost per man to put on the workshop/training.  The intent of CCP is to allow every individual to contribute from their bounty while making this event available to as many people as possible, regardless of their financial situation.

Only the CCP Coordinator of the event and our Financial Team will know the size of your contribution, and they pledge to hold that information confidential

If you have any questions about this process, please email our Area Administrator at