Staff Training 1 (ST1)

Feb 24-25, 2017
Behind the NWTA curtain: learning the how & why of the new warrior training adventure.

The ST1 is designed to teach men what happens on the NWTA, the hero’s journey. From Thursday night prep to Sunday debrief, you will better understand the archetype of initiation and how it is implemented. Gain confidence to staff. Theory, structure, flow, and archetypal energies used on the NWTA are taught. Step into your lover, warrior, magician, king skillfully. Processes from the weekend are reviewed. Learn more about shadow watching, multicultural perspectives & mission.

This is the first step in the leadership track in MKP. See if it’s part of your destiny.

This training is required to staff before 4th staffing weekend

When: 6pm Fri, Feb 24 to 6pm Feb 25
Where: Amherst, MA
Cost: $50 deposit, cost $175-225, depending on number of men. CCP applies

Weekend Leader: Andy Towlen, certified leader

Click Here to Register or click button below.

This is non-residential. Local men will do their best host out of town men.
Inexpensive hotels, Airbnb are also possible.

