As part of the Jericho Circle Project, Larry works with men’s circles on the inside prisons to bring down the walls that keep men there.

Larry Cotton was born in 1950 in Quincy MA and grew up with his parents and older brother in Norwood MA where Larry now lives. He obtained an engineering degree from Northeastern University and worked as a structural engineer until retirement in 2015 at 65. He worked on many interesting projects including the Big Dig. 

Larry did his weekend in 2007 at the Clara Barton Center. He came to the weekend thinking that it would be a one-time adventure and he would not likely have further involvement with MKP. Instead, the weekend transformed him – he was impressed by the ways in which the staff trusted one another and worked together, which re-established his trust in men. 

He is active in the Junkyard Dogs I-Group which was created during his PIT Training in 2008. He has organized next-level trainings, been an I-Group Rep, supported CCP in various roles, and has been the NWTA registrar for the NE Area. He is part of the Elder Community, and was once on the Ritual Elder track, but pulled back to focus on other priorities. 

Probably the most significant of Larry’s activities has been his key involvement in the Jericho Circle Project, a non-profit organization that brings Men’s Circles and Weekend Intensives inside prisons in New England. He was recipient of MKP’s Ron Hering Mission of Service award in 2014 for his work with the Jericho Circle. 

As per his Myers-Briggs personality ENTJ, Larry is hard working. He mostly likes the connection he gets with other men through MKP and has learned from his work with Jericho Circle and MKP that men are wounded in many ways, and these wounds contribute to our actions and how we interpret the world. Most importantly, he has learned we can heal from our wounds. 

In response to the question, if you were stranded on an island, what famous person would you like to join there? He says John Quincy Adams, but he would prefer any good hunter or gardener.