The New England Area

I-Group Facilitator Training  (IGFT)

 April 22-23, 2017 – Springfield, MA

I-Group Facilitation is the art of directing a process in which a man discovers a deeper truth about himself, others, and the world. In the IGFT we explore how to pace facilitation, ask good questions, and practice skills for developing powerful intuition. Over the two days you will have an opportunity to practice your facilitation skills in six processes, being the facilitator, being facilitated and being an observer.

The Northern California Primary Integration Council developed this training over the last three years. The MKP USA I-Group Council Steering Committee reviewed and approved the curriculum and is now beginning a rollout of this new I-Group training for MKP Areas across the country.

This training has been developed not as a replacement for the PIT training, but as a supplemental training specifically aimed at improving and honing I-Group facilitation skills.

Whether you’ve facilitated hundreds of processes or a mere handful (or maybe you’ve been waiting to feel more comfortable before stepping up for the first time), you’ll learn (or learn more about) how to:

— Speak to be understood
— Use silence to open blocked paths
— Develop “radical self-management
— Truly meet a man where he is
— Use ‘Mindful Intrusion’ to stay on track
— Verify and clarify perceptions
— Ask more powerful questions
— Deepen 8 powerful processes


Where: West Springfield, MA at A to Z Movers (the business of MKP Brother Robert Zeller)

When: Saturday April 22, 9am to Sunday April 23, 4pm

Leaders: Vince Chafin (IGFT Lead Man) and another MKPUSA-certified IGFT Leader

Cost: $225. NOTE: this is not a CCP event. $100 is due upon registration; $125 upon completion of the training

Food: Included in the cost

Lodging: at the homes of men local to Springfield/West Springfield; men may choose to book rooms at local motels if desired

Prerequisite Recommendations: As outlined by MKP-USA, it is recommended that attendees have completed an NWTA and a PIT training, and have actively participated in an I-Group/Circle for at least 6 months. That said, MKP empowers and trusts men to decide for themselves when they are ready to attend an IGFT, so these are not requirements, per se. We recognize that there are many men who bring desire and maturity to their circles already but who may not have had the opportunity to do PIT training, for example. If you would like to discuss these prerequisites, please contact Bill Jawitz.

Our site limits us to 30 men, so register today!

Registration Link

FOR MORE INFORMATION, contact Bill Jawitz, NE Area I-Group Coordinator, at 203.876.8999 or


