From Sep 20 – 24, 2022 a national all-gender Elder Gathering put on by the MKP USA Elder Society will be held on line. At this event elders Tom Reilly, Steve Spitzer and maybe others from the New England Area will be honored during the Eldership Celebration. Details provided below with the registration link.
(September 20–22)
Enjoy elders uplifting eldership through music, art, poetry.
Listen to wisdom shared by elders in personal interviews and savor the celebration of 3 world elders who have passed this year: Elder Malidoma Somé, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Robert Bly.
All presentations will be live but you can watch it at your convenience September 20–22
On September 24, a special honoring ceremony will be live, on zoom, to celebrate elders who have been selected by Leaders in MKP USA Areas.
(September 22–24)
Come and join the opening ceremony on Thursday evening, September 22 and have a chance to connect with each other after the opening ceremony.
A wonderful program has been designed that will include keynote speakers: Dene Maria Sebastiana and Becky Schupbach.
Topics for which presentations will be made on: Creating positive change, Mentoring, 5 Wishes, Dealing with Chronic Pain, Forgiveness and more!
A Complete Schedule will be sent out as we approach our Virtual USAGE.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only that that ever has.” – Margaret Mead